QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    To burne the holy tree in Babylon,
    Power after power forsake their proper power,
    Only the hart impugnes with faint resist
    2990The fierce inuade of him that conquers Kings,
    Help God, O payne, dye Iohn, O plague
    Inflicted on thee for thy grieuous sinnes.
    Phillip a chayre, and by and by a graue,
    My leggs disdaine the carriage of a King.
    2995Bastard. A good my Lege with patience conquer griefe,
    And beare this paine with kingly fortitude.
    Iohn Me thinks I see a cattalogue of sinne
    Wrote by a fiend in Marble characters,
    The least enough to loose my part in heauen.
    3000Me thinks the Deuill whispers in mine eares
    And tels me tis in vayne to hope for grace,
    I must be damnd for Arthurs sodaine death,
    I see I see a thousand thousand men
    Come to accuse me for my wrong on earth,
    3005And there is none so mercifull a God
    That will forgiue the number of my sinnes.
    How haue I liud, but by anothers losse?
    What haue I loud but wrack of others weale?
    When haue I vowd, and not infringd mine oath?
    3010Where haue I done a deede deseruing well?
    How, what, when, and where, haue I bestowd a day
    That tended not to some notorious ill.
    My life repleat with rage and tyranie,
    Craues little pittie for so strange a death.
    3015Or who will say that Iohn disceasd too soone,
    Who will not say he rather liud too long.
    Dishonor did attaynt me in my life,
    And shame attendeth Iohn vnto his death.
    Why did I scape the fury of the French,
    3020And dyde not by the temper of their swords?
    Shamelesse my life, and shamefully it ends,
    Scornd by my foes, disdained of my friends.