QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne

    600And to the purpose for the cause you come.
    Me seemes you set right in chaunce of warre,
    Yeelding no other reasons for your claime,
    But so and so, because it shall be so.
    So wrong shalbe subornd by trust of strength:
    605A Tyrants practize to inuest himselfe,
    Where weake resistance giueth wrong the way.
    To check the which, in holy lawfull Armes,
    I in the right of Arthur Geffreys Sonne,
    Am come before this Citie of Angiers,
    610To barre all other false supposed clayme,
    From whence or howsoere the error springs.
    And in his quarrell on my Princely word,
    Ile fight it out vnto the latest man.
    Iohn Know King of Fraunce, I will not be commaunded
    615By any power or Prince in Christendome,
    To yeeld an instance how I hold mine owne,
    More than to answere, that mine owne is mine.
    But wilt thou see me parley with the Towne,
    And heare them offer me alleageance,
    620Fealtie and homage, as true liege men ought.
    K. Philip Summon them, I will not beleeue it till I see
    it, and when I see it Ile soone change it.
    They summon the Towne, the Citizens appeare vpon the
    625K. Iohn You men of Angiers, and as I take it my loyall
    Subiects, I haue summoned you to the walls: to dispute on
    my right, were to thinke you doubtfull therein, which I am
    perswaded you are not. In few words, our Brothers Sonne,
    backt with the King of Fraunce, haue beleagred your Towne
    630vpon a false pretended title to the same: in defence whereof
    I your liege Lord haue brought our power to fence you from
    the Usurper, to free your intended seruitude, and vtterly to
    supplant the foemen, to my right & your rest. Say then, who
    who keepe you the Towne for?
    635Citizen For our lawfull King.