QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    I Thomas Plantaginet Earle of Salisbury, sweare vpon the
    Altar, and by the holy Armie of Saints, homage and alleag-
    ance to the right Christian Prince Lewes of Fraunce, as true
    and rightfull King to England, Cornwall and Wales, & to their
    2500Territories, in the defence whereof I vppon the holy Altare
    sweare all forwardnes. All the Eng. Lords sweare,
    As the noble Earle hath sworne, so sweare we all.
    Lewes I rest assured on your holy oath,
    And on this Altar in like sort I sweare
    2505Loue to you all, and Princely recompence
    To guerdon your good wills vnto the full.
    And since I am at this religious Shrine,
    My good welwillers, giue vs leaue awhile
    To vse some orisons our selues apart
    2510To all the holy companie of heauen,
    That they will smile vpon our purposes,
    And bring them to a fortunate euent.
    Salsbury We leaue your Highnes to your good intent.
    Exeunt Lords of England.
    2515Lewes Now Uicount Meloun, what remaines behinde?
    Trust me these traitors to their souereigne State
    Are not to be beléeude in any sort.
    Meloun Indéed my Lord, they that infringe their oaths,
    And play the rebells gainst their natiue King,
    2520Will for as little cause reuolt from you,
    If euer opportunitie incite them so:
    For once forsworne, and neuer after sound,
    Theres no affiance after periurie.
    Lewes Well Meloun well, lets smooth with them awhile,
    2525Untill we haue asmuch as they can doo:
    And when their vertue is exhaled drie,
    Ile hang them for the guerdon of their help,
    Meane while wee'l vse them as a precious poyson
    To vndertake the issue of our hope.
    2530Fr. Lord Tis policie (my Lord) to bait our hookes
    With merry smiles, and promise of much waight: