QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    For proofe whereof, I can inferre a Will,
    That barres the way he vrgeth by discent.
    530Constance A Will indéede, a crabbed Womans will,
    Wherein the Diuell is an ouerséer,
    And proud dame Elnor sole Executresse:
    More wills than so, on perill of my soule,
    Were neuer made to hinder Arthurs right.
    535Arthur But say there was, as sure there can be none,
    The law intends such testaments as voyd,
    Where right discent can no way be impeacht.
    Q Elinor Peace Arthur peace, thy mother makes thee wings
    To soare with perill after Icarus,
    540And trust me yongling for the Fathers sake,
    I pitie much the hazard of thy youth.
    Constance Beshrew you els how pitifull you are,
    Readie to weepe to heare him aske his owne;
    Sorrow betide such Grandames and such griefe,
    545That minister a poyson for pure loue.
    But who so blinde, as cannot see this beame,
    That you forsooth would kéepe your cousin downe,
    For feare his Mother should be vsde too well?
    I theres the griefe, confusion catch the braine,
    550That hammers shifts to stop a Princes raigne.
    Q. Elianor Impatient, frantike, common slanderer,
    Immodest Dame, vnnurtred quarreller,
    I tell thee I, not enuie to thy Son,
    But iustice makes me speake as I haue don.
    555K. Philip But heres no proof that showes your son a King.
    K.Iohn. What wants, my sword shal more at large set down.
    Lewes But that may breake before the truth be knowne.
    Bastard Then this may hold till all his right be showne.
    Lymoges Good words sir sauce, your betters are in place.
    560Bastard Not you sir doughtie with your Lions case.
    Blanch Ah ioy betide his soule, to whom that spoile belõgd
    Ah Richard how thy glorie here is wrongd.
    Lymoges Me thinkes that Richards pride, & Richards fall,