QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    Now Iohn, thy feares are vanisht into smoake,
    Arthur is dead, thou guiltlesse of his death.
    Swéete Youth, but that I striued for a Crowne,
    I could haue well affoorded to thine age
    2080Long life, and happines to thy content.

    Enter the Bastard.

    Iohn Philip, what newes with thee?
    Bastard The newes I heard was Peters prayers,
    Who wisht like fortune to befall vs all:
    2085And with that word, the rope his latest friend,
    Kept him from falling headlong to the ground.
    Iohn There let him hang, and be the Rauens food,
    While Iohn triumphs in spight of Prophecies.
    But whats the tidings from the Popelings now.
    2090What say the Monkes and Priests to our proceedings?
    Or wheres the Barons that so sodainly
    Did leaue the King vpon a false surmise?
    Bastard The Prelates storme & thrirst for sharpe reuẽge
    But please your Maiestie, were that the worst,
    2095It little skild: a greater danger growes,
    Which must be weeded out by carefull speede,
    Or all is lost, for all is leueld at.
    Iohn More frights and feares, what ere thy tidings be,
    I am preparde: then Philip quickly say,
    2100Meane they to murder, or imprison me,
    To giue my crowne away to Rome or Fraunce;
    Or will they each of them become a King?
    Worse than I thinke it is, it cannot be.
    Bastard Not worse my Lord, but euerie whit as bad.
    2105The Nobles haue elected Lewes King,
    In right of Ladie Blanche your Neece, his Wife:
    His landing is expected euery hower,
    The Nobles, Commons, Clergie, all Estates,
    Incited chiefely by the Cardinall,