QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    Flying the fury of your conquering sword,
    2915As Pharaoh earst within the bloody sea,
    So he and his enuironed with the tyde,
    On Lincolne washes all were ouerwhelmed,
    The Barons fled, our forces cast away.
    Lewes Was euer heard such vnexspected newes?
    2920Messenger Yet Lodowike reuiue thy dying heart,
    King Iohn and all his forces are consumde.
    The lesse thou néedst the ayd of English Earles,
    The lesse thou néedst to grieue thy Nauies wracke,
    And follow tymes aduantage with successe.
    2925Lewes Braue Frenchmen armde with magnanimitie,
    March after Lewes who will leade you on
    To chase the Barons power that wants a head,
    For Iohn is drownd, and I am Englands King.
    Though our munition and our men be lost,
    2930Phillip of Fraunce will send vs fresh supplyes. Exeunt.
    Enter two Friers laying a Cloth.
    Frier Dispatch, dispatch, the King desires to eate,
    Would a might eate his last for the loue hee beares to
    2935Frier I am of thy minde to, and so it should be and we
    might be our owne caruers.
    I meruaile why they dine heere in the Orchard.
    Frier I know not, nor I care not. The King coms.
    Iohn Come on Lord Abbot, shall we sit together?
    2940Abbot Pleaseth your Grace sit downe.
    Iohn Take your places sirs, no pomp in penury, all beg-
    gers and friends may come, where necessitie keepes the
    house, curtesie is bard the table, sit downe Phillip.
    Bast. My Lord, I am loth to allude so much to ye prouerb
    2945honors change maners: a King is a King, though fortune do
    her worst, and we as dutifull in despight of her frowne, as if
    your hignesse were now in the highest type of dignitie.
    Iohn Come, no more ado, and you tell me much of digni-
    tie, youle mar my appetite in a surfet of sorrow.