QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    of King Iohn.
    Thus Fortune (Lords) acts to your forwardnes
    Meanes of content in lieu of former griefe:
    And may I liue but to requite you all,
    Worlds wish were mine in dying noted yours.
    2465Salisbury Welcome the balme that closeth vp our wounds,
    The soueraigne medcine for our quick recure,
    The anchor of our hope, the onely prop,
    Whereon depends our liues, our lands, our weale,
    Without the which, as sheepe without their heard,
    2470(Except a shepheard winking at the wolfe)
    We stray, we pine, we run to thousand harmes.
    No meruaile then though with vnwonted ioy,
    We welcome him that beateth woes away.
    Lewes Thanks to you all of this religious league,
    2475A holy knot of Catholique consent.
    I cannot name you Lordings, man by man,
    But like a stranger vnacquainted yet,
    In generall I promise faithfull loue:
    Lord Bigot, brought me to S Edmonds Shrine,
    2480Giuing me warrant of a Christian oath,
    That this assembly came deuoted heere,
    To sweare according as your packets showd,
    Homage and loyall seruice to our selfe,
    I néede not doubt the suretie of your wills;
    2485Since well I know for many of your sakes
    The townes haue yeelded on their owne accords:
    Yet for a fashion, not for misbeliefe,
    My eyes must witnes, and these eares must heare
    Your oath vpon the holy Altar sworne,
    2490And after march to end our commings cause.
    Sals. That we intend no other than good truth,
    All that are present of this holy League,
    For confirmation of our better trust,
    In presence of his Highnes sweare with me,
    2495The sequel that my selfe shal vtter heere.
    C 3Thomas