QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne
    To take on me the holy Crosse of Christ,
    And cary Armes in holy Christian warres.
    Pandulph. No Iohn, thy crowching and dissembling thus
    Cannot deceiue the Legate of the Pope,
    2220Say what thou wilt, I will not credit thee:
    Thy Crowne and Kingdome both are tane away,
    And thou art curst without redemption.
    Iohn Accurst indéede to kneele to such a drudge,
    And get no help with thy submission,
    2225Unsheath thy sword, and sley the misprowd Priest
    That thus triumphs ore thée a mighty King:
    No Iohn submit againe dissemble yet,
    For Priests and Women must be flattered.
    Yet holy Father thou thy selfe dost know
    2230No time to late for sinners to repent,
    Absolue me then, and Iohn doth sweare to doo
    The vttermost what euer thou demaundst.
    Pandulph Iohn, now I see thy harty penitence,
    I rew and pitty thy distrest estate,
    2235One way is left to reconcile thy selfe,
    And only one which I shall shew to thee.
    Thou must surrender to the sea of Rome
    Thy Crowne and Diademe, then shall the Pope
    Defend thee from thinuasion of thy foes.
    2240And where his holinesse hath kindled Fraunce,
    And set thy subiects hearts at warre with thee,
    Then shall he cursse thy foes, and beate them downe,
    That seeke the discontentment of the King.
    Iohn From bad to woorse or I must loose my realme,
    2245Or giue my Crowne for pennance vnto Rome?
    A miserie more piercing than the darts
    That breake from burning exhalations power.
    What? shall I giue my Crowne with this right hand?
    No: with this hand defend thy Crowne and thee.
    2250What newes with thee.