QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne

    stolick Sea, doo in the name of S. Peter and his successor our
    holy Father Pope Innocent, pronounce thee accursed dischar-
    ging euery of thy subiectes of all dutie and fealtie that they
    doo owe to thee, and pardon and forgiuenes of sinne to those or
    1025them whatsoeuer, which shall carrie armes against thee, or
    murder thée: this I pronounce, and charge all good men to
    abhorre thee as an excommunicate person.
    Iohn So sir, the more the Fox is curst the better a fares: if
    God blesse me and my Land, let the Pope and his shauelings
    1030curse and spare not.
    Card. Furthermore I charge thée Philip King of France,
    and al the Kings and Princes of Christendome, to make war
    vppon this miscreant: and whereas thou hast made a league
    with him, and confirmed it by oath, I doo in the name of our
    1035foresaid father the Pope, acquit thée of that oath as vnlawful,
    being made with an heretike, how saist thou Philip, doost thou
    Iohn Brother of Fraunce, what say you to the Cardinall?
    Philip I say, I am sorrie for your Maiestie, requesting
    1040you to submit your selfe to the Church of Rome.
    John And what say you to our league, if I doo not submit?
    Philip What should I say? I must obey the Pope.
    Iohn Obey the Pope, and breake your oath to God?
    Philip The Legate hath absolude me of mine oath:
    1045Then yeeld to Rome, or I defie thée héere.
    Iohn Why Philip, I defie the Pope and thée,
    False as thou art, and periurde K. of Fraunce,
    Unworthie man to be accompted King.
    Giu'st thou thy sword into a Prelates hands?
    1050Pandulph, where I of Abbots, Monkes and Friers
    Haue taken somewhat to maintaine my warres,
    Now will I take no more but all they haue.
    Ile rowze the lazie lubbers from their Cells,
    And in despight Ile send them to the Pope.
    1055Mother, come you with me, and for the rest
    That will not follow Iohn in this attempt,