QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne

    670Bastard And art thou gone, misfortune haunt thy steps,
    And chill colde feare assaile thy times of rest.
    Morpheus leaue here thy silent Eban caue,
    Besiedge his thoughts with dismall fantasies,
    And ghastly obiects of pale threatning Mors.
    675Affright him euery minute with stearne lookes,
    Let shadowe temper terror in his thoughts,
    And let the terror make the coward mad,
    And in his madnes let him feare pursute,
    And so in frenzie let the peasant die.
    680Here is the ransome that allayes his rage,
    The first freehold that Richard left his sonne:
    With which I shall surprize his liuing foes,
    As Hectors statue did the fainting Greekes. Exit.

    Enter the Kings Herolds with Trumpets to the wals of
    685 Angiers: they summon the Towne.

    Eng. Herold Iohn by the grace of God King of England,
    Lord of Ireland, Aniou, Toraine, &c. demaundeth once againe
    of you his subiects of Angiers, if you will quietly surrender
    vp the Towne into his hands?
    690Fr. Herold Philip by the grace of God King of Fraunce, demaundeth
    in the behalfe of Arthur Duke of Britaine, if you
    will surrender vp the Towne into his hands, to the vse of the
    said Arthur.
    Citizens Herrolds goe tell the two victorious Princes,
    695that we the poore Inhabitants of Angiers, require a parle of
    their Maiesties.
    Herolds We goe.

    Enter the Kings, Queene Elianor, Blaunch, Bastard, Ly-
    moges, Lewes, Castilean, Pembrooke, Salisbury, Constance,
    700 and Arthur Duke of Britaine.

    John Herold, what answere doo the Townsmen send?