QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    The troublesome Raigne

    1605And of the langor tell him thou art dead,
    Goe in with me, for Hubert was not borne
    To blinde those lampes that Nature pollisht so,
    Arthur Hubert, if euer Arthur be in state,
    Looke for amends of this receiued gift
    1610I tooke my eysight by thy curtesie,
    Thou lentst them me, I will not be ingrate.
    But now procrastination may offend
    The issue that thy kindnes vndertakes:
    Depart we Hubert to preuent the worst.Exeunt.

    1615 Enter King Iohn, Essex, Salisbury, Penbrooke.
    Iohn Now warlike followers resteth ought vndon
    That may impeach vs of fond ouersight?
    The French haue felt the temper of our swords,
    Cold terror keepes possession in their sowles,
    1620Checking their ouerdaring arrogance
    For buckling with so great an ouermatch.
    The Arche proud titled Priest of Italy,
    That calles himselfe grand Uiccar vnder God
    Is busied now with trentall obsequies,
    1625Masse and months minde, dirge and I know not what
    To ease their sowles in painefull purgatory,
    That haue miscaried in these bloudy warres.
    Heard you not Lords when first his holines
    Had tidings of our small account of him,
    1630How with a taunt vaunting vpon his toes
    He vrdge a reason why the English Asse
    Disdaingd the blessed ordinance of Rome?
    The title (reuerently might I inferre)
    Became the Kings that earst haue borne the load,
    1635The slauish weight of that controlling Priest:
    Who at his pleasure temperd them like waxe
    To carrie armes on danger of his curse,
    Banding their sowles with warrants of his hand.
    I grieue to thinke how Kings in ages past