QueenʼsMen Editions

About this text

  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    of King Iohn.

    John I was no lesse perswaded: then in Gods name open
    your gates, and let me enter.
    Citizen And it please your Highnes we comptroll not your
    title, neither will we rashly admit your entrance: if you bee
    640lawfull King, with all obedience we keepe it to your vse, if not
    King, our rashnes to be impeached for yeelding, without more
    considerate triall: we answere not as men lawles, but to the
    behoofe of him that prooues lawfull.
    Iohn I shall not come in then?
    645Citizen No my Lord, till we know more.
    K. Philip Then heare me speake in the behalfe of Arthur
    Sonne of Geffrey elder Brother to Iohn, his title manifest
    without contradiction to the Crowne and Kingdome of Engl-,
    Land, with Angiers and diuers Townes on this side the sea:
    650will you acknowledge him your liege Lord, who speaketh in
    my word to intertaine you with all fauours as beseemeth a
    King to his subiects, or a friend to his wel-willers: or stand
    to the perill of your contempt, when his title is prooued by
    the sword.
    655Citizen We answere as before till you haue prooued one
    right, we acknowledge none right, he that tries himselfe our
    Soueraigne, to him will we remaine firme subiects, and for
    him, and in his right we hold our Towne as desirous to know
    the truth as loath to subscribe before we knowe? More than
    660this we cannot say, and more than this we dare not doo.
    K. Philip Then Iohn I defie thee in the name and behalfe
    of Arthur Plantaginet thy King and cousin, whose right and
    patrimonie thou detainest, as I doubt not ere the day ende in
    a set battell make thee confesse; whereunto with a zeale to
    665right I challenge thee.
    K.Iohn I accept the challenge, and turne the defiance to
    thy throate.

    Excursions. The Bastard chaseth Lymoges the Austrich
    Duke, and maketh him leaue the Lyons skinne.
