QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    of King Iohn.

    And made me thinke my Richard liues in thée.
    K. Philip Lordings lets in, and spend the wedding day
    In maskes and triumphs, letting quarrells cease.

    990Enter a Cardynall from Rome.

    Card. Stay King of France, I charge thee ioyn not hands
    With him that stands accurst of God and men.
    Know Iohn, that I Pandulph Cardinall of Millaine, and
    Legate from the Sea of Rome, demaund of thee in the name
    995of our holy Father the Pope Innocent, why thou dost (contra-
    rie to the lawes of our holy mother the Church, and our holye
    father the Pope) disturbe the quiet of the Church, and disanull
    the election of Stephen Langhton, whom his Holines hath ele-
    cted Archbishop of Canterburie: this in his Holines name I
    1000demaund of thee?
    Iohn And what hast thou or the Pope thy maister to doo to
    demaund of me, how I employ mine owne? Know sir Priest
    as I honour the Church and holy Churchmen, so I scorne to
    be subiect to the greatest Prelate in the world. Tell thy Mai-
    1005ster so from me, and say, Iohn of England said it, that neuer an
    Italian Priest of them all, shall either haue tythe, tole, or po-
    ling penie out of England, but as I am King, so wil I raigne
    next vnder God, supreame head both ouer spirituall and tem-
    rall: and hee that contradicts me in this, Ile make him hoppe
    K. Philip What King Iohn, know you what you say, thus
    to blaspheme against our holy father the Pope.
    Iohn Philip, though thou and all the Princes of Christen-
    dome suffer themselues to be abusde by a Prelates slauerie,
    1015my minde is not of such base temper. If the Pope will bee
    King in England, let him winne it with the sword, I know no
    other title he can alleage to mine inheritance.
    Card. Iohn, this is thine answere?
    Iohn What then?
    1020Card. Then I Pandulph of Padoa, Legate from the Apo-
    E stolike