QueenʼsMen Editions

About this text

  • Title: Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)
  • Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Robert Greene
    Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak
    Peer Reviewed

    Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)

    The honourable historie of Frier Bacon.
    To smother vp such bewtie in a cell.
    1955Margret. Lord Lacie thinking of thy former misse,
    How fond the prime of wanton yeares were spent
    In loue, Oh fie vppon that fond conceite,
    Whose hap and essence hangeth in the eye,
    I leaue both loue and loues content at once,
    1960Betaking me to him that is true loue,
    And leauing all the world for loue of him.
    Lacie. Whence Peggie comes this Metamorphosis,
    What shorne a Nun, and I haue from the court,
    Posted with coursers to conuaie thee hence,
    1965To Windsore, where our Mariage shalbe kept,
    Thy wedding robes are in the tailors hands,
    Come Peggy leaue these peremptorie vowes.
    Margret. Did not my lord resigne his interest,
    And make diuorce twixt Margret and him?
    1970Lacy. Twas but to try sweete Peggies constancie,
    But will faire Margret leaue her loue and Lord?
    Margret. Is not heauens ioy before earths fading blisse,
    And life aboue sweeter than life in loue,
    Lacie. Why then Margret will be shorne a Nun,
    1975Marg. Margret hath made a vow which may not be reuokt.
    Warraine. We cannot stay my Lord, and if she be so strict,
    Our leisure graunts vs not to woo a fresh.
    Ermsby. Choose you faire damsell, yet the choise is yours,
    Either a solemne Nunnerie, or the court,
    1980God, or Lord Lacie, weich contents you best,
    To be a Nun, or els Lord Lacies wife.
    Lacie. A good motion, Peggie your answere must be short.
    Margret. The flesh is frayle, my Lord dothe know it well,
    That when he comes with his inchanting face,
    1985What so ere betyde I cannot say him nay,
    Off goes the habite of a maidens heart,
    And seeing Fortune will, faire Fremingham,
    And all the shew of holy Nuns farewell,
    Lacie for me, if he wilbe my lord.