QueenʼsMen Editions

About this text

  • Title: Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)
  • Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Robert Greene
    Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak
    Peer Reviewed

    Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)

    The honourable historie of Frier Bacon.
    Sweete Ellinor, beauties high swelling pride,
    Rich natures glorie, and her wealth at once:
    Faire of all faires, welcome to Albion,
    Welcome to me, and welcome to thine owne,
    1310If that thou dainst the welcome from my selfe.
    Ellinor. Martiall Plantagenet, Henries high minded sonne,
    The marke that Ellinor did count her aime,
    I likte thee fore I saw thee, now I loue,
    And so as in so short a time I may:
    1315Yet so as time shall neuer breake that so,
    And therefore so accept of Ellinor.
    Castile. Feare not my Lord, this couple will agree,
    If loue may creepe into their wanton eyes:
    And therefore Edward I accept thee heere,
    1320Without suspence, as my adopted sonne.
    Henrie. Let me that ioy in these consorting greets,
    And glorie in these honors done to Ned,
    Yeeld thankes for all these fauours to my sonne,
    And rest a true Plantagenet to all.

    1325Enter Miles with a cloth and trenchers and salt.

    Miles. Saluete omnes reges, that gouern your Greges, in Saxo-
    nie and Spaine, in England and in Almaine: for all this frolicke
    rable must I couer the table, with trenchers, salt and cloth, and
    then looke for your broth.
    1330Emperour. What pleasant fellow is this.
    Henrie. Tis my lord, doctor Bacons poore scholler.
    Miles. My maister hath made me sewer of these great lords,
    and God knowes I am as seruiceable at a table, as a sow is vnder
    an apple tree: tis no matter, their cheere shall not be great, and
    1335therefore what skils where the salt stand before or behinde.
    Castile. These schollers knowes more skill in actiomes,
    How to vse quips and sleights of Sophistrie,
    Than for to couer courtly for a king.