QueenʼsMen Editions

About this text

  • Title: Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)
  • Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Robert Greene
    Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak
    Peer Reviewed

    Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)

    The honourable historie of Frier Bacon.
    Vandermast. What art thou that questions thus.
    Bacon. Men call me Bacon.
    1240Vander. Lordly thou lookest, as if that thou wert learnd,
    Thy countenance, as if science held her seate
    Betweene the circled arches of thy browes.
    Henrie. Now Monarcks hath the Germain found his match.
    Emperour. Bestirre thee Iaquis take not now the foile,
    1245Least thou doest loose what foretime thou didst gaine.
    Vandermast. Bacon, wilt thou dispute.
    Bacon. Noe, vnlesse he were more learnd than Vandermast.
    For yet tell me, what hast thou done?
    Vandermast. Raisd Hercules to ruinate that tree,
    1250That Bongay mounted by his magicke spels.
    Bacon. Set Hercules to worke.
    Vander. Now Hercules, I charge thee to thy taske,
    Pull off the golden branches from the roote.
    Hercules. I dare not, Seest thou not great Bacon heere,
    1255Whose frowne doth act more than thy magicke can.
    Vandermast. By all the thrones and dominations,
    Vertues, powers and mightie Herarchies,
    I charge thee to obey to Vandermast.
    Hercules. Bacon, that bridles headstrong Belcephon,
    1260And rules Asmenoth guider of the North:
    Bindes me from yeelding vnto Vandermast.
    Hen. How now Vandermast, haue you met with your match.
    Vandermast. Neuer before wast knowne to Vandermast,
    That men held deuils in such obediant awe,
    1265Bacon doth more than art or els I faile.
    Emperour. Why Vandermast art thou ouercome,
    Bacon dispute with him, and trie his skill:
    Bacon. I come not Monarckes for to hold dispute,
    With such a nouice as is Vandermast,
    1270I come to haue your royalties to dine
    With Frier Bacon heere in Brazennose,
    And for this Germane troubles but the place
    And holds this audience with a long suspence,