QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)
  • Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Robert Greene
    Editors: Christopher Hicklin, Christopher Matusiak
    Peer Reviewed

    Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (Quarto)

    The honourable historie of Frier Bacon.
    Loues conquests ends my Lord in courtesie,
    Spare Lacie gentle Edward, let me die,
    For so both you and he doe cease your loues.
    1035Edward. Lacie shall die as traitor to his Lord.
    Lacie. I haue deserued it, Edward act it well.
    Margret What hopes the Prince to gaine by Lacies death?
    Edward. To end the loues twixt him and Margeret.
    Marg. Why, thinks king Henries sonne that Margrets loue,
    1040Hangs in the vncertaine ballance of proud time,
    That death shall make a discord of our thonghts,
    No, stab the earle, and fore the morning sun
    Shall vaunt him thrice, ouer the loftie east,
    Margret will meet her Lacie in the heauens.
    1045Lacie. If ought betides to louely Margret,
    That wrongs or wrings her honour from content,
    Europes rich wealth nor Englands monarchie,
    Should not allure Lacie to ouerliue,
    Then Edward short my life and end her loues.
    1050Margret. Rid me, and keepe a friend worth many loues.
    Lacie. Nay Edward keepe a loue worth many friends.
    Margret. And if thy mind be such as fame hath blazde,
    Then princely Edward let vs both abide
    The fatall resolution of thy rage,
    1055Banish thou fancie, and imbrace reuenge,
    And in one toombe knit both our carkases,
    Whose hearts were linked in one perfect loue,
    Edward. Edward Art thou that famous prince of Wales,
    Who at Damasco beat the Sarasens,
    1060And broughtst home triumphe on thy launces point,
    And shall thy plumes be puld by Venus downe,
    Is it princely to disseuer louers leagues,
    To part such friends as glorie in their loues,
    Leaue Ned, and make a vertue of this fault,
    1065And further Peg and Lacie in their loues,
    So in subduing fancies passion,
    Conquering thy selfe thou getst the richest spoile,