QueenʼsMen Editions

Performance database: Search

The database can be searched through two approaches: the "Basic Search" which is a search based on title, person, character or production, or the "Advanced Search", which is a search based on production only. The advanced search allows more fields to be selected, including approximate time of production.

Please note that "production" refers to both film and stage productions and includes illustrations.

Advanced Search

Search Productions



Production year between: and

Results Display Options


Search tips

A "basic search"

When doing a Basic Search, choose a word or phrase related to the title of the production, the name of a person or company doing the production, or the name of a character in the play. A search of the Performance Database will produce a list of items which best fit your query.

An "advanced search"

When doing an Advanced Search, you help structure the search by providing instruction on the specific words and/or exact phrase to be searched for, and where necessary, instruction to the database on which words are to be ignored. You are also invited to provide instruction on the limit of centuries searched, and how your results are to be displayed (by title, year or country).